about collection one

collection one thesis

The world definitely doesn’t need more brands that don’t stand for anything and just take up space in the collective ethos. The intention here, with this, is to inspire and catalyze at the highest degree possible, in the most simple way possible.

The inspiration behind ntrl was in finding balance wherever it could be found in life.

The modern world often has us caught between polarities, scarred by where and what we aren’t, and somehow in a position where it’s difficult to integrate the opposite ends of any spectrum. Many of us often find ourselves “caught” in the middle. We’re calling that Negative Neutral.

Here at ntrl we look to mitigate the difference between our own polarizing states by finding equilibrium and harmony in between them. This inevitably leads to self awareness, which leads to empowerment and a greater ability to utilize that which has already been given. It is that space, that space in between, in the middle, at the edge of comfort’s zone, not here nor there, no where, now here, where we find our equilibrium and also cool unique color palettes that feel good to wear on our clothing.

As a form of self regulation for synesthesia, using color therapy to massage our auric body in relevant states, moods, and emotions as catalyst towards the only one evolution there is. Active participation in this dance with the universal, primal, and celestial energies allow us to tap into a state where nothing is missing and where we are in perfect equilibrium in harmony with everything that is.

if we can at least allow our self to be as we are and not force it to become some other way then maybe we can look at things out there as they are.

somehow this fails to stay as purely theoretical, and it bleeds into the work. the theme here, solar falcon, is the brightness, and the avian. the solar, and the falcon.

although there is no falcon screen print, nor image of a sun per say, there is though, a bright juxtaposition, between moments like pikachu and bruce lee, a wolf and a disney romance, soft tones and sharp attitudes,

follow your dreams, dreams come true, if the vision was impossible you never would have received it<

that is the aspect of the solar falcon, … if you can see it and dream it, you can live it and experience it…

this collection is a tangible hold-in-your-hand garment based expression of that as a theory and philosophical embodiment tactic.

on one end, you live your dreams and its all peachy, on the other end, life sucks your in ultimate fomo

we neutralize those polarities here as collage like garments.

understanding that by choosing whatever we choose in the moment, we weave our life-force into that timeline and also our self that IS that timeline. this is alchemy.

neutralizing our attitude so we can at least see the scenario correctly,

then, from clarity, act accordingly.

being with what is, as it is, allowing others to be as they are, while also allowing ourselves to be as we truly are, not too hot, not too cold, not too faint, not too bold, not too new, not too old, just right, of left, in the middle, neutral. 



shop collection one